Steinbach A. & Schofer A., Theses (1987, 1988), Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn, Germany.
We have seen once a score in G-minor where the signature consisted of two flats (B and E) plus one sharp (F). This is not supported by MusicTEX.
To avoid problems with the LATEX macro of the same name, this macro is only activated under LATEX when normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\begin{ music} is invoked.
... narrower2.32.3
Etroit means narrow in French.
... line2.42.4
This does not meet the requirements of contemporaneous music, but fits very well to baroque and romantic music.
... note2.52.5
The normalshapemediumseries\c of this macro name is taken from the French word ``croche'' which is by the way one half of the english ``crotchet''; normalshapemediumseries\cc..., normalshapemediumseries\ccc... are standing for ``double croche'', ``triple croche'', etc.
... way2.62.6
You are suggested to make your own macro if you have to type many of these.
Do not use normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\kern nor normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\hskip : in fact normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\sk not only causes a space but also records that space for correct handling of beams.
... macro2.82.8
The reason for that pertains to MusiXTEX which might dilate or shrink the normalshapemediumseries\ spacing while the normalshapemediumseries\roff offset is absolute.
This value is saved in another register named normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\normaltranspose.
A French organist (1844-1937) and composer who was in charge of the organ of St-Sulpice in Paris, from 1864 to 1934.
... word2.112.11
Whose advantage is that it differs from normalshapemediumseries\ bar which is already defined in TEX.
... break2.122.12
Unless it is triggered according to bar counting when normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\autolines has been invoked.
... breaking2.132.13
This could unpleasantly occur if you insert a space...
... capacity2.142.14
TEX has been designed to type text, not music.
Whose drawback is that it is very slow on ordinary PCs.
... page2.162.16
After having coded nearly one hundred of pages of music, I strongly recommend the use of normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\autolines except when inserting short excerpts of less than one line, such as in musicographic books.
... bar2.172.17
For example, you may prefer to turn the page at a place where the pianist has one hand free.
... pending2.182.18
No problem with slurs and ties.
... single2.192.19
normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\setrightrepeat does not change the effect of normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\finmorceau; in that case use normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\finrightrepeat.
From the Italian prima volta meaning ``first time'', and seconda volta meaning ``second time''.
... pending2.212.21
Its logic is similar to plain TEX's normalshapemediumseriesnormalshapemediumseries\vadjust command.
An ugly mixture of French and English which is therefore not likely to be redefined by somebody else.
... notes2.232.23
This is independent of the staff size.
... variant2.242.24
Stemless, not to be confused with normalshapemediumseries\zq qui extends stems within a chord. For that purpose, see [*] and [*].
... scores2.252.25
To our knowledge, the most complicated scores are those written for the piano, during the romantic and post-romantic periods.
Extrait is the French word for excerpt.
... instruments2.272.27
Beware of a shift of one position, since normalshapemediumseries\ intersinstrumentr indicates the interval above the r-th instrument.
... more2.282.28
Since version 4.99.
... slow2.292.29
Using i386 or i486 processors, this problem disappears with the specific version of normalshapemediumseries emTeX
musicbra and musicbrb exhibit some drawing differences, but they meet the same purpose of typing piano braces.